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Home > The Chef > Meet the maker: Founder of Tabchilli, Maher El-Tabchy

The founder of Tabchilli, Maher El-Tabchy, takes us along his entrepreneurial journey

Can you share the story behind the creation of Tabchilli?

Tabchilli was born from a passion for fermentation and a desire to introduce healthy, flavourful, and probiotic-rich foods to our community. What began as a hobby—experimenting with various fermentation techniques in my kitchen, including making my own vinegar, kombucha, miso, and signature hot sauce—revealed the immense health benefits and unique flavours of these foods, which were lacking in the local market. This passion evolved into a business idea, leading to the establishment of Tabchilli to share our love for fermented foods.

What led you to specialise in fermentation?

The specialisation in fermentation stemmed from recognising the incredible health benefits these processes offer. Also, the flavours of fermentation cannot be made with fire, only with microbes and bacteria. Fermented foods are not only delicious but also packed with probiotics that promote gut health.

What made Dar Wasl Mall the ideal location for your shop?

Dar Wasl Mall was chosen for its vibrant community and its support for local businesses. Its central location in Dubai makes it accessible to a wide range of customers who appreciate quality and health-conscious products.

What health benefits do your fermented products offer, and how do you inform consumers?

Our fermented products are rich in probiotics, which support a healthy gut microbiome, improve digestion, and boost the immune system. They are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall well-being. We inform our consumers about these benefits through informative labels, engaging social media content, workshops, and in-store educational materials. We believe in empowering our customers with knowledge about the food they consume.

What process do you follow to experiment with and develop new flavours?

Experimentation is at the heart of Tabchilli. We start with traditional recipes and then explore various combinations of spices, herbs, and vegetables. We taste test in small batches, adjusting the ingredients to achieve the desired flavour profile. Feedback from our customers plays a crucial role in refining our products.

How do you decide on market offerings?

We carefully analyse market trends, customer feedback, and sales data to decide which products to offer. We also engage with our community through surveys and tasting events to understand their preferences. This customer-centric approach ensures that we meet the demands of our market while staying true to our commitment to health and quality.

In what ways do you incorporate sustainability into your production processes?

Sustainability is a core value at Tabchilli. We source our ingredients locally to reduce our carbon footprint and support local farmers. Our packaging is eco-friendly, and we strive to minimise waste throughout our production process. Additionally, we use all parts of the vegetables whenever possible and compost any waste. Our commitment to sustainability extends to educating our customers on how to reduce excess food waste through fermenting at home.

What upcoming trends do you anticipate in this industry?

We anticipate a growing interest in exotic and fusion flavours as consumers become more adventurous with their taste buds. There is also an increasing demand for plant-based and vegan fermented products. The focus on gut health and the benefits of probiotics will continue to drive the popularity of fermented foods. Innovations in fermentation techniques and the use of functional ingredients like superfoods and adaptogens are also expected to trend in the industry.

What are some of the main challenges you encounter in the fermented foods industry?

One of the main challenges is educating consumers about the benefits of fermented foods and overcoming the misconception that all bacteria are harmful. Maintaining consistency in the fermentation process can also be challenging due to variables like temperature and ingredient quality. Additionally, sourcing high-quality, organic ingredients locally can sometimes be difficult and costly.

Are there any new ingredients or techniques that you are particularly excited to try?

We are excited to experiment with fermentation techniques that use fungus spores, such as koji, to make miso, garum, and other products. We are also exploring the use of ancient grains and seeds in our products to add nutritional value.

What is your long-term vision for Tabchilli?

Our long-term vision for Tabchilli is to become a leading name in the fermented foods industry, known for our commitment to quality, health, and sustainability. We aim to expand our product line, open additional retail locations, and establish a strong online presence. To achieve this, we will continue to innovate, educate our customers, and build strong relationships with local farmers and suppliers. Our goal is to inspire others to embrace the benefits of fermented foods and to promote a healthier, more sustainable way of eating.

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